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  • Writer's pictureHolly

Write Your Story, Change Your Life

Updated: Aug 24, 2023

My favorite compliment I receive as a coach is when my students come to me, after a year of working together, and say in mock outrage “damn you, Holly. I AM loving the process”.

They laugh because they know how much they fought me on the necessity of that point, only to finally give in and agree.

It’s not their fault, my typical student comes to me with equal parts burning desire to have already written the stories in their hearts, and deep frustration over the fact that they have not. They want that book or script to have been written yesterday, but are deep down worried that maybe they don’t have what it takes.

And so, in the midst of their own self induced gas lighting, they don’t take too kindly to me chirping on about how "all they need to do is slow down, breathe, learn to love the process."

I keep telling them that anyway because what I know for sure, on their behalf, is that to write anything great, sooner or later they are going to have to make peace with the fact that there IS a process. You simply can't get to that perfect final draft without a whole lot of messiness in the middle. And the further they can allow themselves to sink deep into the mess and accept the time it takes, the greater the end result will be.

I know from personal experience, why it’s so hard to allow one’s self to accept that in the beginning. I know the writers mind and the special brand of resistances it puts up. Which is why I used every inch of my 30 years of writing experience to create a program with the power to circumvent those resistances, until writers have the strength to do it for themselves.

Together, we choose one of their creative babies that needs to be written, and put it through the paces of an intentionally slowed down process, while addressing each saboteur that pops up along the way. By the end of the year, not only have they completed, or are well on their way to completing, an inspired book or script, but they have a community, and an approach to their creative life, that has them genuinely loving each step of the process.

There is no greater satisfaction for me than that. Because I know, once they get to that place, they’re set up for a lifetime of creative success and fulfillment, no matter which direction it takes.

Starting this September, I will be leading a new group of 16 writers through this life changing process from inspiration to completion of a first draft.

If you’re tired of letting your resistances to writing win, and are realizing you might like to be one of those 16 writers who work closely with me to make this the year they finally write that book or script, then you can either:

Hop on a call with me to find out more by clicking HERE

Or find out more about our online writing programs by clicking HERE

***If you know you want to work with me, don't delay, as there's a chance I may not be taking on new students again for quite awhile.

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