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Writing is a Need, Not a Luxury

Writer's picture: HollyHolly

Updated: Jul 25, 2024

I believe writing is a necessity, that gets treated as if it's an indulgence, in our society.

I hear so often from writers, "I would, but I just don’t have the time". "I'll get to it when I have enough money", or I'll take it seriously "when I can afford to quit my job".

But I would argue that for those who are of the "writing type", they might never get to the place where they have more money, free time, or the ideal job, if they don’t start doing more writing, first. Now.

For those who get their grounding, and who process their world best, by writing it down (or telling stories), if they don’t spend at least a little bit of time daily, writing and giving space to those thoughts and stories rattling around in their heads, they are likely cutting themselves off from the most valuable superpower they have, at a time when they need it the most.

And what is that most valuable superpower? Their own creativity/imagination. The part of themselves that knows how to navigate their way out of any current box they may be living in. The part of themselves with all the fresh ideas of how to create more time and money. And most importantly, the part of themselves that knows how to create space for more grounding, joy and fulfillment, right there inside of what they already have.

To pretend writing is a luxury that you will get to "some day, when the environment is right", is a recipe for perpetual stuck-ness and lack of fulfillment, not just in career, but in life in general.

As a lifelong writer, and now writing coach, who spends a lot of time listening for what writers need, I've seen this pattern time and time again. And my solution has been to create a writing program that is less about teaching writing (although that is definitely a part of it) and more about helping my students create a life for themselves that joyously makes room for creative pursuits.

I help my students to lighten up. To stop being so end-game obsessed. To understand that even 15 minutes a day devoted to their writing can change everything. To see that the first step to being able to write those extraordinary books and scripts they so deeply want to write, is to learn how to loosen up and allow their life to be a place where creativity can thrive and expression can be set free.

I take the stance that the stories a writer is meant to write are already inside them, whole and complete, and that the goal in this life is to get practiced at getting out of the way. From there, those stories get the chance to flow out in their highest form.

I believe the work of the writer is, first and foremost, to keep showing up. To study human nature. Study their own nature. To learn to see their life through the lens of stories. And of course, to develop the skills to communicate those stories effectively and dynamically to others, by means of the only practice that really works: lots and lots of writing.

My students have come to see that the journey of discovery, and then the written expression of it, ARE the rewards of putting in the time. It’s spiritual. Powerful. An incredibly healing tool worth making room for in life. Finishing books/scripts? Financial rewards? Acclaim? Those things are the gravy.

And they know that writing is not something a writer needs to earn the right to do, someday. It’s something they must do, now.

If you're feeling disconnected. Frustrated. Out of touch with your own heart. Or defeated by the neglect of your creative dreams. Do yourself a favor and just start writing. It really is that simple. Don't make a big fuss out of it. Don't make elaborate plans for your creative future. Just buy yourself a new journal, make a commitment to put pen to paper every morning (even if its just for 15 minutes) as if it's a necessity. Because it is.

If you know this is you, but also know you're the type who needs the support of a community and/or prompts to get you going and keep you on track, then consider joining our Writer's Gym. The first month is free and it's just $14.99 after that. Cancel anytime.

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